Q: How do I appeal if I am unhappy with my child's placement?
A: To appeal please click here or email independent.appeals.service@hants.gov.uk.
Q: Can you please put my child on your waiting list?
A: If you would like your child on our school waiting list please contact Hampshire admissions via admissions.team@hants.gov.uk. Castle Hill Infant School cannot action any applications or add to the waiting list.
Q: Do you have breakfast and after school clubs?
A: Yes, Magna Extended Schools operates the wraparound care on-site.
Q: Can the school uniform be without the school logo?
A: Yes, please refer to our uniform page on our website.
Q: Are we expected to supply a packed lunch for our children?
A: No, All children are provided with a hot lunch that is catered by Pabulum. More information can be found under school meals.