Eco School
At Castle Hill we were proud to receive our Green Flag Eco School status in 2018 and have taken part in the National Wildlife Trust Wild Award.
We are constantly looking for ways to be environmentally friendly. We have a dedicated Eco council and all children work hard to compost, recycle, save energy and walk to school.
Castle Hill Infant School Eco Rules
We all promise to try and follow our Eco rules to make our school and our local environment a better place to live. . . . .
- Recycle what we can. Making sure that rubbish goes in the right bin. Do not waste paper!
- Don’t waste water and don’t overfill water bottles!
- Save electricity: turn things off when they are not in use
- Try to walk, scoot or cycle to school
- Eat healthy food and exercise
- Don’t pick the flowers, tread on the plants or pull at the trees. Use the path!
- Take care and be kind to all living creatures
- Handle things with care, do not break them and try not to chew the pencils!
- Be kind and thoughtful to each other, be friendly and polite
- Look after and respect our environment following our school charters
Revised January 2020 by the Eco warriors.
Here are some ways you can help: