Travel to School

As part of our healthy school status we encourage children when possible to walk/scoot to school. This also helps prevent congestion outside of school.

The school takes part in walk/scoot to school weeks. If children are unable to walk/scoot to school they can park and stride. (see map attached)  

Parkwise leaflets and school crossing patrol service information can be found in the reception area.

Updated: 11/12/2024 5.95 MB


Road Safety

Castle Hill participates each year in the Hampshire Road Safety event Time to Shine.

In Autumn when the clocks have gone back, the Road Safety Team launch the ‘Your time to Shine’ campaign.

With the nights drawing in and the weather getting duller, both pedestrians are cyclists are far more vulnerable, whether they are on their way to school or out at the weekends. This is where the campaign fits in perfectly!

They ask all schools to take part in a Be Bright Be Seen non-school uniform day in November.

This highlights to everyone, both adults and children, the importance of using reflecting clothing and gadgets in a fun and innovative way to make themselves much more visible to drivers and therefore much more safe on the road.

We like all adults and children in school that day to dress as brightly as possible and the brightest students from each class will even take part in a fashion show in assembly.