Supporting Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL)
In order to support children and families who have EAL we collaborate with The Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) they can be contacted on 03707794222 or by email:
School can ask EMTAS to carry out a bi-lingual assessment of children in their home language and they can offer support to parents through a variety of different language specific phone lines.
The EMTAS website has a wealth of information on how to support your child at home including bringing up your child in more than one language and behaviour strategies for parents which are available to download in various languages and video clips showing how to engage your child with a book, using pictures and keywords.
You can click on the link below to take you directly to this information or please contact our EAL Co-ordinator Miss Gomes or Mrs Robertson through the school office.
Useful Information for Parents/Carers who Speak English as an Additional Language