
Throughout the year Castle Hill supports a wide range of charities, local and national. Many of these charities focus on children's rights which is at the heart of our curriculum. We also support charities through donations at Christmas performances and carol services.

Children in Need

BBC Children in Need is a charity which raises money to help children who need it. They want all children in the UK to be safe, happy and be able to do everything they are capable of.

BBC Children in Need hold a television event each year in November and Castle Hill Infants support this by holding an event such as Wear something Spotty and Bring your Teddy into school. 

Comic/Sports Relief

Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief that takes places every two years. It alternates with Sports Relief Day. Comic Relief is a UK charity, which aims to create a just world, free from poverty. 

We use Red Nose Day as a learning opportunity to help our pupils explore the issues facing young children across the world, and how the money we raise can help.  

The children either take part in a sporting activity or a silly event such as wearing odd socks to school!

Christmas Jumper Day

Save the Children's work saves and improves children's lives around the world. They work to ensure children have healthcare, food and shelter, as well as learning and child protection services when children need it most. 

Shoe Box Appeal

Basingstoke Rotary Club supports many local charities , particularly those that have no fundraising capacity for themselves. It is a UK registered charity and not for profit charity, it has no paid employees. 

Basingstoke and Deane participates in the Shoe Box Appeal. This has been operating for over 25 years and has delivered over one million shoe boxes to less fortunate children. Boxes are delivered to Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.

Castle Hill have supported this scheme for over ten years and every year have an overwhelming number of boxes come into school each year. 


Day for Change/Go Green Week

At Castle Hill we combine ‘Go Green Week’ with RRE ‘Day for Change’ and Mad Hair Day!

Day for Change is about raising awareness of children’s rights and making improvements in people’s lives.

Green Education Foundation promote a Go Green Week to draw peoples' attention to climate change and opting for greener alternatives!

Being an Eco school we are encouraging children to take part in these events throughout the week.

Meat Free Monday - apart from stating the obvious, encourage children to reduce the amount of meat they eat by choosing the Green option for lunch

Travel Light Tuesday - Don't take the car, use public transport, cycle or walk to school or park and stride if you have to come in the car!

Waste-not Wednesday - Encourage recycling and remind children which bins they should be using, try not to waste food and water throughout the day

Switch off Thursday - How simple is this? Get your friends and colleagues to turn off electrical appliances when they are not in use. We can all switch something off - rather than leaving items on standby!

MAD HAIR DAY Friday – A day for change so why not change your hair and make it as wacky as possible! We are asking for donations on Friday for Saint Michaels Hospice.