
At Castle Hill infant school online safety forms an important part of our Computing and PDL curriculum. We strive to ensure our children understand the importance of using technology safely and respectfully. We aim for them to understand how to keep personal information private and be able to identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns. We want our children to develop online resilience to enable them to become safe and responsible internet users, no matter where they are, or what device they use. 

We currently have an e-safety oversight group to ensure that every sector of our community is represented and that e-safety is kept at the forefront of our children's learning. If you would like to join this group please come in to school and speak to any member of staff. 

Keeping our children safe is a joint responsibility of all sectors of our community, including children, parents, staff and governors. If you have any concerns regarding apps or programmes etc., please do not hesitate to raise your concerns with us.

Recently the school held an internet safety day, with Mr Paul Hay.  He spoke to the children, parents and staff about e-safety.  If you have any questions, he is happy to answer these via the email address: paul.hay@pclstraining.com.

Internet Safety 

Our children love to use the internet specially to play games and to communicate with their friends. The way they start using computers and the guidance they are given at this young age can set them on the right path to being safer in later life.

At our school we ensure that our children are taught the basic tips of Internet Safety in every year group.

We recently had an Internet Safety Day. It was run by Paul Hay who is an expert in Internet Safety. Paul worked with the teachers to lead an assembly and run class lessons.

We use a cartoon which was created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency (CEOPs).

They learn the 4 Top Tips they need to remember.

  • Top Tip 1 : People online may not be who they say they are.
  • Top Tip 2 : Be nice to people online.
  • Top Tip 3 : Do not share private information.
  • Top Tip 4 : If you are worried tell an adult

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The cartoon Is one of a series created by CEOP aimed at ages 4-5 years. All three cartoons can be found here.


It is important for all parents to learn about how children use the internet so they can carry on the discussion with their own children at home. Paul has created a video for parents to learn more about keeping you child safe.

Paul has provided links to useful sites to learn more about Internet Safety and watch other related videos.

Paul is also happy for parents to contact him with any questions you may have: paul.hay@pclstraining.com.

Paul's Useful Links:

We have received the following two links from Hampshire Education and wanted to share them with you. The first looks at online safety in primary schools and the second is by Parent Zone and covers lots of topical online issues, e.g. current apps, blogging etc. We hope you find the information helpful. 

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