RE Vision
At Castle Hill Infant School, RE adds to the development of pupils as individuals and as members of society by fostering a reflective approach to life. This enables pupils to grow in understanding of their experiences and to examine and tolerate attitudes, beliefs and religious practices of other people. RE supports our pupils in developing their own values and principles and supports their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- Provide children with an understanding of the fundamental values and beliefs of world religions with a focus on Christianity and Hinduism
- Provide children with a basic understanding of celebrations and festivals which are observed and celebrated as part of these religions and others
- Encourage children to ask questions, share their beliefs as well as respect those of others
We are setting out to help our pupils be ...
- Diverse, celebrating their own beliefs, values and cultures, as well as those of others
- Respectful, treating everyone with equality and fairness, regardless of their beliefs
- Passionate about their own beliefs, celebrations and values
- Curious, asking questions to help them to understand the beliefs of others more clearly
We will do this by ensuring ...
- Pupils will learn about a different world religions, values and cultures
- Children will be taught about equality and its importance
- Children will be taught about a diverse range of celebrations observed across the world
- Children will be taught how to inquire respectfully
We will have made a difference when ...
- Children will be able to talk about some of the fundamental beliefs of people who share our world
- Children will demonstrate tolerance, acceptance and fairness towards each other and those who share our world
- Children will be able to express why some celebrations are important to other people as well as those that are important to themselves
- Children will be able to discuss the core values and important events in the calendars of different world religions, with a focus on Christianity and Hinduism